I was born in 1969 in Nairobi. I attended graphic design school but later returned to my first love, the fine arts. I am basically a painter working mostly with acrylic on canvas. My main interest is the human figure as a subject when painting and drawing. My entire working process i.e. layers, is usually visible to the keen eye. My subject is based on everyday activities especially of women. These are people I meet and see on a daily basis either in the home setting or in activities they undertake i.e. in small business or by the road side. I try to capture the positive aspects in life, as I feel that even though every one has problems, we don't walk around with the stress showing on our faces.
Sometimes the works are done in series i.e. same subject but different angles. In the last two years I have introduced another aspect where I paint using live models in a series I call cover girls. I have also produced and exhibited some video art pieces. I believe that art should also connect with the general public and be part of their everyday life.