Artlook > The Pictorial

The "Chai na Mandazi"

We had a followup to the "East African Art Summit", dubbed the "Chai na Mandazi" (tea and [fry?]cake, for the rest of you). This was initiated to start a response-channel and keep abreast with what the participants' exploit are.

It was good and warm with Aghan Odero and Mumbi Kaigwa (below) giving talks and receiving questions about their recent travels.

After an thorough hour and a half the session ended with Joy Mboya giving a vote of thanks to all who attended. She asked that the prticipants would come next time with at least two people so as to enrich the meeting. This is in the spirit of making this "Chai-mandazi" sessions grow and begin giving a picture of the direction that Art in the East African region is moving in.

She then welcomed the "guests" to what some dubbed as "The Reason" - Chai na Mandazi!




The "Chai na Mandazi" meetings have continued every month and we will post news as it happens. Please check the Diary for the next date.

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