Am a Kenyan born artist based at the GoDOWN Art Centre .I specialize on paintings. My keen focus is on current issues on how I see and understand the environment in terms of ideas and color forms thus presenting it in a bit of impression form.
Am inspired by day to day socio-economic activities affecting people especially men and change of weather. In men am interested in the body language, the composition and the seriousness that comes out during their work thus extracting both positive and negative values in them which are hidden in the figure tips of the society by the society.
I have worked in dry pastels, oil , acrylic ,chalk and charcoal on paper, cardboard and canvas.
My work has exhibited in several group and solo exhibitions at the GoDOWN art centre, Paa ya Paa, Village market,ISK, Alliance Francaisse, Kuona trust among others.{THE ICE at Kuona and Tell and Sell at Alliance Francaisse}
In 2012, I won second prize of “experiencing heritage through art ” competition organized by the Nairobi National Museum, with the painting ”utumisishi kwa wote” which afterwards became their collection.
I have participated in two residencies; one in Kuona trust courtesy of the Kenya Art Diary and the other at Swan centre sponsored by Paul Onditi